Creeps logo
  1. ?/10
  2. ?
  3. BNB Chain
Gameplay screenshot 1 of Creeps
Gameplay screenshot 2 of Creeps
Gameplay screenshot 3 of Creeps
Gameplay screenshot 4 of Creeps

Creeps is an idle game where players risk their in-game gold or real money to acquire powerful heroes, battle creeps, and earn rewards in gold over time.

Ways to earn money

Clicking and waiting
Completing tasks
Referring others

6 risks identified

5 high-risk
1 medium-risk
Vulnerable to an abrupt rug pull

There are no challenges or measures in place that would prevent or hinder developers from executing an abrupt scam, such as a rug pull.

This risk is present in 2% of the games.
Get-rich-quick scheme

The game promises high rates of return for a relatively low investment and gives the impression of easy money. However, it is a well-known scam where although some individuals may profit, most will end up unable to recover their investments due to its unsustainable nature.

This risk is present in 2% of the games.
Shadow launch

The game has been revealed and released without concrete records of its development, a sizable community, strong partnerships, or enough time in the market to establish trust.

This risk is present in 2% of the games.
Anonymous team

The creators of the project lack evidence of their identity, such as a social media presence, a prior work history, any videos featuring them, or a registered company.

This risk is present in 15% of the games.
Opaque decentralization

The decentralized features of the game lack transparency, making it difficult or impossible for players to verify the fairness of the system compared to other games.

This risk is present in 6% of the games.
No public audits found

The project hasn't been checked by a trusted blockchain security auditor. Audits are crucial for finding weaknesses, improving security, and safeguarding the valuable digital assets of players and investors.

This risk is present in 56% of the games.


  • Game status
  • Access
    Free to play
  • Platforms
    1. Web
  • Supported blockchains
    1. BNB Chain
  • Initial release date
    Feb 15, 2024
  • Audits
    No audits found