Legions & Legends

  1. Upcoming
  2. 2024
Legions & Legends logo
  1. 3/10
  2. 18K
  3. Ethereum
Gameplay screenshot 1 of Legions & Legends
Gameplay screenshot 2 of Legions & Legends
Gameplay screenshot 3 of Legions & Legends
Gameplay screenshot 4 of Legions & Legends

Legions & Legends is a fantasy action RPG from the creators of Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. Battle your enemies in strategic real-time combat, collect powerful Legends with unique stories and abilities, and explore a world threatened by an ancient evil.

Transaction activity

Score based on transaction volume of 1 tracked contract.

Today, the transaction activity score is 3, which is determined by the number of transactions involving 1 smart contract on the blockchain linked to this game.

Ways to earn money

Right now, we don't have enough info on ways to make a profit in this game.

1 risk identified

1 medium-risk
The game is still under development

As the game is still a work in progress, please acknowledge that there may be occasional bugs, limited availability, potential hacks due to unknown vulnerabilities, and presales of assets with speculative prices.

This risk is present in 54% of the games.


Trailer thumbnail
