My Crypto Heroes (MHC)

  1. Released
  2. 2017
  3. Free to start
My Crypto Heroes (MHC) logo
  1. 6/10
  2. 32K
  3. EthereumPolygonOasys
Gameplay screenshot 1 of My Crypto Heroes (MHC)
Gameplay screenshot 2 of My Crypto Heroes (MHC)
Gameplay screenshot 3 of My Crypto Heroes (MHC)
Gameplay screenshot 4 of My Crypto Heroes (MHC)
Gameplay screenshot 5 of My Crypto Heroes (MHC)

MyCryptoHeroes is a multiplayer RPG game where you level up historical heroes, engage in quests, and participate in player vs. player battles. Collect materials, create NFTs in the Lab, strengthen your heroes, and conquer the MCH world.

Transaction activity

Score based on transaction volume of 6 tracked contracts.

Today, the transaction activity score is 6, which is determined by the number of transactions involving 6 smart contracts on the blockchain linked to this game.

Ways to earn money

Winning PVP matches
Creating content for the game
Lending NFTs
Collecting and selling
Trading assets

2 risks identified

2 medium-risk
Game token fuels insider profits

Insiders profit by selling their token allocations, which can drive prices down and harm buyers who purchased at higher prices. Moreover, developers often hold significant power over the tokens without safeguards against price manipulation or embezzlement.

This risk is present in 69% of the games.
Uses permissioned blockchain

The game depends on a particular type of blockchain controlled by chosen participants, which reduces its decentralization and increases its vulnerability to problems like collusion, data tampering, hacking, downtime, and so on.

This risk is present in 8% of the games.



  • Game status
  • Access
    Free to start
  • Platforms
    1. Web
    2. Android
  • Supported blockchains
    1. Ethereum
    2. Polygon
    3. Oasys
  • Initial release date
    November 2017
  • Developers
    1. My Crypto Heroes (MHC)
  • Publishers
    1. My Crypto Heroes (MHC)
  • Audits
    No audits found
  • Tokens
    1. $MCHC