Run Legends

  1. Released
  2. 2023
  3. Free to play
Run Legends logo
  1. 1/10
  2. 108
  3. Sui
Gameplay screenshot 1 of Run Legends
Gameplay screenshot 2 of Run Legends
Gameplay screenshot 3 of Run Legends
Gameplay screenshot 4 of Run Legends
Gameplay screenshot 5 of Run Legends
Gameplay screenshot 6 of Run Legends
Gameplay screenshot 7 of Run Legends

Run Legends is a cooperative fitness RPG game where you battle enemies by walking or running in the real world. Boost your health, tackle quick missions, play with others worldwide, make new friends, upgrade your gear, and get stronger.

Transaction activity

Score based on transaction volume of 1 tracked contract.

Today, the transaction activity score is 1, which is determined by the number of transactions involving 1 smart contract on the blockchain linked to this game.

Ways to earn money

Participating in special events

1 risk identified

1 medium-risk
No public audits found

The project hasn't been checked by a trusted blockchain security auditor. Audits are crucial for finding weaknesses, improving security, and safeguarding the valuable digital assets of players and investors.

This risk is present in 56% of the games.


Trailer thumbnail
