
  1. Upcoming
  2. 2024
Dimensionals logo
  1. ?/10
  2. 229K
  3. Ethereum
Gameplay screenshot 1 of Dimensionals
Gameplay screenshot 2 of Dimensionals
Gameplay screenshot 3 of Dimensionals
Gameplay screenshot 4 of Dimensionals
Gameplay screenshot 5 of Dimensionals

Dimensionals is a turn-based JRPG featuring roguelite deck-building and high-stakes gameplay. Collect unique heroes, venture into different dimensions to battle enemies, recruit new allies, and compete for valuable NFTs.

Ways to earn money

Right now, we don't have enough info on ways to make a profit in this game.

No risks identified

As of now, everything looks great with this project, and we haven't identified any specific concerns to share with you.


Trailer thumbnail
