NFTWars logo
  1. ?/10
  2. 20K
  3. PolygonOasys
Gameplay screenshot 1 of NFTWars
Gameplay screenshot 2 of NFTWars

NFTWars is a card game where you battle using all your NFTs, boosting their value and turning them into unique trading cards. By playing, you earn rewards and support the creators of your favorite NFTs.

Ways to earn money

Ranking on the leaderboard
Winning PVP matches
Winning tournaments
Creating content for the game

1 risk identified

1 medium-risk
No public audits found

The project hasn't been checked by a trusted blockchain security auditor. Audits are crucial for finding weaknesses, improving security, and safeguarding the valuable digital assets of players and investors.

This risk is present in 56% of the games.

